Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS)

The world today provides us with many options to acquire products from buying outright to renting, leasing, hiring, subscribing and more.

Each method of purchase has its own advantages and disadvantages and buyers weigh up the pros and cons of each before deciding.

In more recent times, it has become a lot easier for businesses to lease hardware thanks to the solution that is Hardware-as-a-Service.

What is Hardware-as-a-Service?

Hardware-as-a-Service provides companies and organisations with access to hardware, installation, maintenance and upgrades.

Sound expensive? It’s not!

The benefit of Hardware-as-a-Service is simply that customers pay for the value provided by the service (a monthly subscription), as opposed to the hardware itself.  What’s more … solutions are built around real customer needs and are aimed to solve problems.

What are the benefits of Hardware-as-a-Service?

Whilst you may not be interested in the actual hardware, you will be keen to know the benefits of hardware for your business:

  • No initial investment
    you will have all new equipment without the expense that comes with it.

  • HaaS makes economic sense
    your hardware won’t be an asset; it will be an operating cost.

  • Ongoing maintenance and support
    you will receive ongoing maintenance and support.

  • Fully managed service
    all monitoring, maintenance and support will be covered.

  • Worry free solution
    you will never need to worry about your hardware and equipment because someone will be doing it for you. This allows you to concentrate on what you do best – running your business.

HaaS in Social Housing?

Through our skentel HOUSING brand we have created a HaaS solution for social housing providers where we supply temperature & humidity sensors, data storage, insights and data visualisation which in turn provide real time alerts on the possible build up of mould.

Through a small monthly subscription the landlord achieves preservation monitoring of their assets and improved visibility of the environmental conditions within the premises.

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If you think you could benefit from Hardware-as-a-Service, please contact us today iot@verfacil.co.uk